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Scope and Standards of Home-Based Nursing Practice Research Study

The research team is recruiting expert nurses to write the scope and standards of home-based nursing practice document that will be based on study findings. Please contact the researchers if you wish to participate in developing the scope and standards document.
Mary C. Narayan PhD RN HHCNS-BC CTN-A
Susan M. Hinck PhD APRN GCNS-BC

Survey 4 is closed and data analysis is in progress. This IRB-reviewed study explores the status of home-based nursing worldwide. This research is supported by IHCNO and is conducted in collaboration with the American Nurses Association. Four online surveys were conducted, each with a different focus:

  1. Diversity of home-based nursing in their countries.
  2. Scope of nursing practice in their countries.
  3. Recommendations for Standards of Practice.
  4. Recommendations for Competencies.

The surveys were administered sequentially, with each survey (after the first survey) shaped by the previous survey’s findings. Data collection began in 2024 and concluded in January 2025. Hundreds of nurses from 39 countries representing all six World Health Organization’s geographic regions participated in the study. A description of this study and the plan to develop the international scope and standards of practice was published in the Nursing2024 journal and accepted for presentation at the World Hospital at Home Conference in Austria and the Sigma research conference in the U.S. in 2025. Now, an international task force of home-based nurses worldwide will develop the new International Scope and Standards for Home-Based Nursing Practice with publication expected in early 2026.

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